Asked Questions
What products does Aunt Jean’s Dairy offer? +
Aunt Jean’s Dairy produces farm-fresh milk from A2-tested cows; creamy, delicious & in 1L glass bottles. Enjoy our milk either light (black top) or whole (white top).
Is Aunt Jean’s milk organic? +
Although Aunt Jean’s isn’t certified organic, we follow a number of organic, ethical and sustainable processes.
Is Aunt Jean’s milk raw? +
Because we pasteurize our milk, it is not raw.
What do I do with my empty bottles? +
As our glass partners OI Glass say, ‘glass is life’ – infinitely recyclable! We recommend re-using or re-purposing your empty bottles; get creative! Otherwise they can be recycled kerbside. Kerbside recycled bottles are returned to OI Glass in Auckland where they either become new bottles or are used in municipal projects such as road works. Concerning bottle return: We do offer bottle returns in some regions, and as well there are several cafes and markets around the country that offer bottle collection/return.
Swap a Bottle and/or Return
- Ranigora Produce Market, 73 Ivory Street, Rangiora -
- Rakaia Mobil, 50 Bridge Street, Rakaia -
- Vegeland, 310 Marshlands Road, Marshlands, Christchurch -
- The Vege Shop, 5A Stourbridge Street, Spreydon, Christchurch -
- Templeton Butchery, 733 Main South Road, Christchurch -
Bottle Return
- New World Halswell, 346 Halswell Road, Halswell -
Where can I find Aunt Jean’s milk? +
We’re always on the Mooove, and we’re popping up in more stores and cafes nationwide every day! Visit our where to buy page to stay up to date with our current list of stockists.
What’s A2? +
Regarding A2 - A2 beta-casein is a protein that all our cows are tested for. A lot of "mainstream" milk companies us A1 protein cows. It has been suggested that the A2 beta protein is easier to digest and can be a solution for some who typically experience issues with lactose. For more on A2 check out this Stuff article: https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/teach-me/70392608/what-does-a2-milk-have-to-offer
How much does the milk cost? +
The price of our milk varies by location & stockist. All our milk comes from the same two farms in Nelson, which means due to freight & other associated distribution costs, the price per litre differs between regions. For specific pricing by location, see your local dairy department manager.
Does Aunt Jean do home deliveries? +
Aunt Jean is a busy bee these days, but if you reside in the Nelson, Tasman or Marlborough regions, our friends at Oakland are there to deliver the goods! Visit them here to view delivery areas. https://www.oaklandsfarm.co.nz/home-delivery
I’m interested in stocking Aunt Jean’s +
That’s great, because we’re interested in providing you with the best! Flick an email over to the main office at info@auntjeans.co.nz or give us a ring at 0800 021 443.